West Coast & Hawaii

My First SLR “Selfie” – Coalinga, California – 1977

I lived on the ‘Left Coast’ for a little over ten years. I moved to California in the mid-70s to attend undergraduate school. In the late 70s through the mid-80s, I lived at various addresses around the Seatlle-Tacoma area of Washington. In 2008, I visited Hawaii for a week on a cruise ship. In 2023, we spent over four weeks touring California, Oregon, and Washington during Excellent Adventure 2023.


I moved to Santa Maria in 1975. I went to California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo in 1976 and graduated in 1978. In my last year, I lived near the beach in Los Osos near Morrow Bay. I made several trips up the coast highway while living there and spent time in southern California when my parents lived there when I was in school.

I bought my first camera – a Canon AE-1 – when I worked for Union Oil in Coalinga in the summer of 1977. Later, in the 80s and 90s, I spent much time in the San Fransisco Bay area while working for various high-tech companies headquartered there.

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Joshua Tree National Park

I visited in late Spring 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023. It had rained quite a bit in the winter, and the colors peaked. It was sad when I heard it burned later that summer.

Joshua Tree National Park

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Central Coast

The central coat area around San Luis Obispo. It was taken during Excellent Adventure 2023.

Morrow Bay

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I visited in late Spring 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023. Some of the park was flooded from the winter rains. The falls were spectacular.

Hetch Hetchy

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I visited in late Spring 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023.

California Redwoods

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Oregon Coast

Photos taken in late spring 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023.

Fort Stevens

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Columbia River Gorge

I visited in the summer of 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023.

La Grande

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Crater Lake/ Rogue River

Returned to Crater Lake 45 years later. Exporered the Rogue River sights in the surrounding area.

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After graduating from Cal Poly in 1978, I moved to Seattle to go to graduate school. I got a job with Boeing and then on to Hewlett-Packard before I moved to Germany in early 1987.

It was a truly beautiful area when the weather was nice. Puget Sound was particularly stunning with its many islands and deep, swift blue waters. I loved riding the ferries. The Cascade mountains, with highlights of Mount Ranier and St Helens – which erupted right after I moved- are great places to visit.

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Olympic Peninsula

Photos were taken in the early Summer of 2023 on Excellent Adventure 2023. They include the Hoh Rain Forest, Rialto Beach, Fort Worden, and Port Townsend.

Fort Worden

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I spent a week visiting the islands on a cruise ship in 2008. I visited HawaiΚ»i, Maui, OΚ»ahu, and KauaΚ»i. The highlight of the trip was a helicopter ride on KauaΚ»i.

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